After catching up with some fellow BMW bikers at Adventure Days 2011, I was encouraged to consider becoming a member of BMW MC-klubben Norge (The Norwegian BMW Bikers Club). I took me some time before I checked out their website (, but eventually, on Wednesday July 20th I signed up.
I am not quite sure what to expect from this membership yet, but at least my first “interaction” with the club has been a very positive experience. Friday July 22nd, only two days after signing up, I received this “welcome gift”:

Apart from the invoice for NOK 500,- (including NMCU-membership at NOK 250,-) I received a nice welcome letter signed by the chairman, a BMW MC-klubben Norge leaflet and a sticker, and the two published editions of the BMW MC-klubben Norge magazine. All in all, a very positive first-impression that convinced me that the invoice was worth paying. Now I’ll just have to see what the future will bring. What will change now that I am a member of BMW MC-klubben Norge I ponder?